Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Rat - Black Sun Empire

Final Images - The Sound of the Image

A song is a composition of music, that usually contains vocal parts and musical instruments.’The sound of the Image’ looks at how the complex composition of a song can be translated into a visual composition, in particular, it looks at the dynamic sounds of drum n bass music.
Four different drum n bass songs were used as inspiration to find different contexts that related to the sounds that each song produced. Each space contained specific feelings and compositional elements which were used to emphasise the influence of each song.
Panoramic images were taken of a section at each space to capture the mood provided by that space. The visual composition of each song (produced by taking the song into audacity), was then overlayed over the panoramic images to give the final composition. This only partially reveals the image, but the details are fully exposed in the composition of the overlayed song.

Contact sheets

Contact sheets

Composition tests

First panoramic contact sheet

Context possibility

Chosen songs to inspire contexts

The Rat - Black Sun Empire

The Upbeats - Peep Hole

first shoot

the first shoot looks at creating a journey through a space that is inspired by song. Using a song to define the chosen context.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Project Two - Photographic Fictions

'The narrative potential of digital photography'

The concept for this project looks at the narrative of song and possible ways to translate this into the photographic medium. A song is a composition of music, that usually contains vocal parts and musical instruments. In particular, I will look at the dynamic sounds of a drum n bass song where the composition of the song will influence the composition of the photograph.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Digital Schizophrenia - Final Images

Using Long exposures ranging from 30seconds to about 2minutes i was able to create multiple exposures of my own face. Using blue, red, yellow and green 5mm LED's to paint and expose partial areas of the face, but not fully exposing the full details of my identity. The effect was used to create overlapping images of my face that are blurred and the complete details of my identity are not fully portrayed, reflecting the way in which multiple identities in the digital realm create a blurred image of ones own identity.

test images

Painting faces